
Corneal ulcers are the loss of the corneal layer which can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. In this case, a 53-year-old man with corneal ulcer in the left eye after using antibiotic and steroid eye drops. Physical examination showed blepharospasm, conjunctival and ciliary injection. There was an ulcer on cornea with the size 5 mm × 6 mm, indistinct boundaries with infiltrates, corneal edema, and 2 mm of hypopyon. The results of gram and KOH examination on corneal scraping showed the presence of hyphae, spores, and gram-positive coccus bacteria. Initial treatment with natamycin eye drop, levofloxacin and atropine eye drop for 3 months showed clinical improvement. Administration of steroid eye drop in this case aims to reduce inflammation after adequate treatment with antibiotics.


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