
Uterine fibroid affects 0.3-2.6% of pregnant women and it is usually asymptomatic during pregnancy [1]. In about 10% of these patients will have complications such as miscarriage, fetal malpresentation, premature rupture of membranes, placenta abruptio, preterm delivery, abdominal pain due to fibroid torsion or degeneration [2]. Bleeding into the uterine fibroid is extremely rare and patient can present with acute abdomen [11]. Up to date, there were only two cases reported and both occur in postpartum period. We present a case of a pregnant woman with huge uterine fibroid with spontaneous intra-leiomyoma bleeding causing hypovolemic shock at 22 weeks of gestation. Because of failure of conservative management, we performed fibroid resection at 22 weeks of gestation with preservation of the pregnancy.


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