VAS Scores, Pain-Free Duration, Range of Motion, and IL-6 Levels are Better in Adductor Canal Block Compared to Genicular Nerve Block in Patients with Chronic Pain of Degenerative Disease of the Knee Joint
Introduction: Chronic knee pain is the leading cause of functional limitations in the older age group and accounts for many visits to health care providers. This degenerative condition is progressive with functional impairment and a severe decrease in quality of life. Pain management with Adductor Canal Block (ACB) and Genicular Nerve Block (GNB) can be an alternative treatment option for chronic knee pain. This study aims to analyze the difference between clinical & laboratory outcomes of the ACB and GNB groups.
Material & Methods: An experimental study with consecutive sampling was conducted on 34 patients with chronic knee pain divided into 2 groups of ACB and GNB procedures. The parameters measured were VAS score, pain-free duration, range of motion, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels.
Results: Predominance of chronic knee pain patients found in older women. Based on statistical analysis, there was an improvement in VAS scores (p<0,05), a similar pain-free duration (p>0,05), an improvement in the range of motion (p<0,05), and a decrease in IL-6 levels (p<0,05) significantly in the ACB group compared to GNB.
Conclusion: ACB can be used as an effective therapy in treating chronic knee pain.
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