Intestinal Trichobezoard (Rapunzel Syndrome) Secondary to Wool Ingestion: A Case Report
Gastrointestinal trichobezoar is a rare syndrome, defined by the accumulation inside the digestive tract of non-digestible material usually formed by hair rarely by textile fibers (wool of carpets or clothes), and source of many diagnostic and therapeutic errors and delays in the absence of evocative psychic context.
We report the case of a 15-year-old adolescent with a history of carpet wool ingestion, who presented to the visceral emergency department with an occlusive syndrome, evolving since 4 days of his admission with alteration of his general state.
Abdominal examination found a painful abdominal meteorism with no clinically palpable mass.
The abdominal scan showed a distension of small intestine, suggesting an intestinal invagination.
The surgical intervention was an extraction of a trichobezoard (wool from carpets) by the anal way.
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