Solitary Temporal Plasmocytoma: A Case Report
Introduction: Solitary plasmacytoma is a malignant plasma cell tumor that is much rarer than multiple myeloma. The location in the vault of plasmacytoma is extremely rare. We report the case of a plasmacytoma of the cranial vault in a 53-year-old adult.
Observation: A 53-year-old man consulted for tinnitus, left hypoacusis and trigeminal neuralgia of the left V2 and V3, which had been evolving for one year and was aggravated one month later by the appearance of a left temporal swelling with decreased visual acuity on the left. The MRI confirmed the existence of a lesional process of the temporal vault, in T1 iso signal, T2 hypersignal and flair, intensely and heterogeneously enhanced after injection of gadolinium. Anatomopathological study revealed a solitary temporal plasmacytoma, which was referred to oncology for further management.
Discussion: Plasmacytoma is defined as an isolated malignant plasma cell tumor without clinical, biological, or radiological signs of Myeloma. Craniocerebral localization is rare and constitutes only 0.7% of all solitary plasmacytomas.
Conclusion: Cranial plasmacytoma is a rare tumor that should be investigated for associated myeloma. Although the imaging appearance is not very specific, plasmacytoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any invasive lytic lesion of the cranial vault.
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